7 Ways LXPs Leverage Artificial Intelligence

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) are becoming increasingly popular in corporate training and onboarding due to their many benefits, such as being user-centered, promoting collaborative learning, and allowing learners to choose their paths. The way LXPs achieve this is by using Artificial intelligence. Today we explore the seven primary ways in which LXPs leverage Artificial Intelligence anno 2021 and why opting for an LXP with a strong AI component for your company’s training programs is a stellar choice every single time.

1. Content Creation and Curation

Long gone are the days of the thick printed manuals that you passed around every year to the company’s new members during their onboarding process. Today, AI makes it possible to create unique courses that appeal to your staff’s interests and needs. In fact, CanopyLAB’s AI-powered self-building course allows HR associates to simply upload their resources and then take a step back as our engine does all the heavy lifting and suggests unit descriptions, interactive exercises, quizzes’ questions, and more.


AI makes it possible to create unique courses that appeal to your staff’s interests and needs.


2. AI Virtual Learning Assistants

There is no denying that virtual chatbots are cost-efficient. However, you may not know that thanks to Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), chatbots are now capable of providing real-time assistance by giving feedback, answering questions, and recommending new materials or courses depending on the needs of your collaborators.


chatbots are now capable of providing real-time assistance by giving feedback, answering questions, and recommending new materials or courses depending on the needs of your collaborators.


3. Personalized learning pathways

Think about your Google news feed or the recommendations you receive on platforms like Star+ and Netflix. What do they have in common? Simple, they adapt to your past behavior and suggest content based on your preferences. An LXP can do the same for your team thanks to AI by studying their skills and figuring out where they need more help or what they need to learn to help you reach the corporate goals.


4. Analytics and AI

AI makes it possible for you to check how far along your employees are on their onboarding or the courses assigned to them, how long each module is taking, and even their level of understanding based on their answers or the number of times they have to take a test. Additionally, data analytics make it much easier for HR to figure out where your course needs improvements to be more tailored to your team or more interactive.


5. Interactive exercises

A truly personalized learning experience includes activities that adjust to the way in which every individual learns. Some people love writing essays, while others prefer multiple choice quizzes, and some may prefer brainstorming in teams and creating mind maps. LXPs such as CanopyLAB understand this, which is why you can find 55+ types of exercises in our platform that you can choose from depending on your team’s preferences and the skill you are trying to teach them. Our AI authoring tool can prepopulate 11 of the exercise templates for you.


Some people love writing essays, while others prefer multiple choice quizzes, and some may prefer brainstorming in teams and creating mind maps. LXPs such as CanopyLAB understand this


6. Social Learning

Using AI, it is now possible to put together small teams based on their shared interests and skills to discuss different topics or solve various assignments, and in this way, you can promote collaborative learning and a sense of belonging among your staff, which in the long run will help move along team projects and create a good working environment.


7. Automated grading

Aside from those mentioned above, one more significant way LXP leverage AI is by automating all the grading process. This frees learning designers and course creators to spend more time creating unique content or on personalized tutoring. Furthermore, automated grading means learners can see the results of their work instantly and figure out whether they should retake a unit or not.