Creating multiple choice quizzes with the CanopyLAB Quiz engine

Hands down, year after year, the multiple choice quiz is always the most popular activity amongst our learners. That hardly comes as a surprise, who doesn't love a good quiz? You can use quizzes for birthday parties and baby showers, but also for testing students' prior knowledge of a topic before they start a new class (baseline quiz) or to test employees grasp of key concepts (definition quiz).

While learners love quizzes, those of us who have to make them are not always equally keen. Making good quiz questions takes a lot of time. But what if an AI could make the quiz questions for your? Now that is possible, with our AI Quiz generator. 

While learners love quizzes, those of us who have to make them are not always equally keen. Making good quiz questions takes a lot of time. But what if an AI could make the quiz questions for your? Now that is possible, with our AI Quiz generator. 

With advances in Generative AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Generation, a few companies offer the ability to create your quizzes for you, and CanopyLAB is the only learning platform that has an integrated AI quiz generator. What that means is that we have the ability to automatically create quizzes for you embedded directly into your course, and it’s not just the standard multiple choice quiz that we can generate, it is also the baseline test, and our two adaptive quizzes: the repeat format quiz and the difficulty format quiz. It may feel like magic to use it, but it’s not – it’s AI!